Jim Gerrie's Food Philosophy



  1. We should only eat as much meat as may be obtained from a form of animal husbandry that allows animals to live the approximate normal lifespan of the wild species (including differences between the sexes) from which a domesticated species has been derived.
  2. We should only eat meat to an extent that is necessary for (considering differences in geographic locale and the next two principles) the maintenance of our own optimal health.
  3. We should only eat meat to an extent that is necessary as part of maintaining a sustainable system of agriculture.
  4. We should only eat meat when plant alternatives are unavailable to achieve the goals of maintaining a sustainable system of agriculture and our own optimal health.
  5. We should only eat meat killed in ways that minimize the pain and suffering of animals.
  6. We should only eat meat raised in ways that allow for animals to express their natural instincts and traits (i.e. natural instincts and traits may only be modified as is absolutely necessary for the achievement of the preceding principles).

The Christo-Carno-Limitivist Grace:

Dear God,
Thank you for suffering and giving your life,
like these innocent creatures on our plate,
so that sinners like us might live.


Copyright © James Gerrie 11 November 2011