Preparing a Bibliography Assignment

A bibliography assignment is a way of preparing for writing a research paper, essay or critique paper. You must find and document two possible relevant scholarly sources that address the question of the assignment.  Such sources can be articles in reputable journals, chapters or sections in books, or other relevant materials containing authoritative arguments relevant to the topic.  In keeping with the spirit of the methods of Socrates, you should find sources who both agree and disagree with your own views.

Answer the following 6 questions:

  1. What style format are you using to present your sources (e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago Manual of Style, etc.)?
  2. What is your preliminary position on the topic question?
  3. What is the bibliographical reference of your first source:
  4. What is the bibliographical reference of your second source:
  5. Which source is closest to your own tentative position on the topic question (i.e. identify the main conclusion of the author and how it might be relevant to your position)?
  6. Which source is farthest from your own tentative position on the topic question (i.e. identify the main conclusion of the author and how it might be relevant to your position)?

Your responses to questions 1-4 should only be a sentence in length. Write only a paragraph in response to questions 5 and 6.

You do not have to take the same position in your paper for which you are preparing. You do not have to use the sources you identify here in your final paper. If you find better sources as you complete your paper, feel free to change to those sources.

Copyright © James Gerrie May 25, 2024